Little is known about this glitch, it is yet unknown what causes it. Sometimes if you immediately go to the Sporepedia after saving a vehicle, and then go back to the editor screen, the editor will look bizarre, as seen at the end of this video: Asymmetrical cell glitch It seems to happen when many small detail parts are place upon each other, and the one at the start is manipulated. This glitch also happens in the vehicle editors, as seen here: If you place the Level 2 energy regeneration helmet on top of the Hop Gogs (the Bard part that looks like a mask and lets you dance) and use the orange morph handle to increase the Hop Gogs' power level, the helmet part will slowly rotate in place. (This is most likely intentional, but is also logical, and yet again, a bit of a pain, depending on your intentions) When you enter the test-drive mode, sometimes that part may flip extremely fast just like masks do in the tribal editor test-drive mode.

If you put an adventure part on an asymmetrical limb or another asymmetrical body part, the part will appear on that limb and not be symmetric.
Spore pc crash Patch#
Upon installing Patch 5 and GA, the game may crash when you try to start a game from Civilization stage. This wears off when the mother moves or you do something with their nest. Sometimes in the tribal stage, (No matter how far your camera is from the baby) baby animals will not exhibit any animations, including blinking and breathing movements.

Even more rarely, you can't go on to land at all without being eaten by the Sea Monster. Because this doesn't usually happen, you can't eat anything and there are no other species to attack or socialize with. Rarely, your nest will start the creature stage in the middle of an ocean or other body of water. Very rarely, if you start a game at tribal stage, your hut will be submerged underwater, causing your tribe to be stuck and starved. Very rarely, when a baby grows to adulthood, its eyes and feet will still be surprisingly large, 2x bigger than other adults not affected by this graphical glitch. Attempting to kill one will instantly kill it.

In space stage in a planet, vehicles will become epics, but still have the same AI as vehicles. These two things will obviously cause many new glitches. The two main features that were introduced in patch 5 were the ability to make parts in all editors asymmetrical by holding down "A” and the ability to ride vehicle of all types without slipping off. Occasionally, if you use Galactic Adventures Adventure Creator and make a creature in the space stage and possibly in Civilization stage, a giant picture of that creature will appear covering one quarter of the planet. Some major glitches are so severe that they may necessitate deleting a save file or even reinstalling the game to get around. Major Glitches are ones that impede gameplay or make it impossible, or may cause the game to freeze or crash.